Post 3

  1. How will your interactive learning resource specifically ensure that the needs of all learners can be met?

Our interactive learning resource can ensure universal accessibility by supplying a diversity in activities for learners to use, scaffolds/supports, and principles like UDL, i.e., planning for barriers that learners may encounter. First of all, our learning activities and assessments include a mix of reading, writing, discussion, and self-reflection. Using a diverse number of learning methods will allow all students to be accommodated. Our interactive learning resource also incorporates the use of technology by providing a list of videos for learners to watch in case they want more information on the sub-topics or are confused and need more clarification. Online articles are also linked throughout the introduction and misconceptions section in order to offer even more clarification on the information that is being provided. Reducing barriers can also be applied in the grading scale. As described in the post on Measuring Learning, the less precise the grading scale, the better. Our interactive learning resource can implement a grading scale with approximately four to five broad categories of ratings, such as the one, two, three four scale, with one being the lowest grade, and four being the highest grade. Instead of percentages, this scale will allow for wiggle room with the diversity of students and their work abilities in the classroom.        

  1. Choose one (or more) of your planned learning activities from your Blueprint and identify any barriers to student success. How can you alter or adjust your current plan to reduce those barriers?

One of our learning activities involves a jigsaw group activity where students gather into groups and read articles, and are then instructed to articulate the information from their chosen article and teach it to the class. Although this exercise is efficient and a way to increase participation, this activity can be improved by catering to students with disabilities. Such as the fact that the activity solely attains information from articles. The delivery of information to the groups could be broadened beyond articles to include podcasts, slideshows made by the instructor, or even a transcript for deaf students or those who are learning English as a second language, an example mentioned in the Universal Learning Post for this week. In general the suggestion for the jigsaw learning activity can fall under the category of using technology to increase accessibility in the classroom and allow students of all abilities to be equally engaged.

1 Comment

  1. mhung

    Hi Katelyn! I love how you’ve incorporated a variety of learning methods to meet different needs! They are all great ways to give students different ways to engage with the content. I also think expanding the jigsaw activity beyond just articles is a smart idea. Adding podcasts or slideshows would definitely make it more accessible for students with different needs.

    I also really like the idea of giving students different roles in the group. It lets everyone participate in a way that works best for them. One thing I was thinking is that maybe adding some peer feedback could help students refine their understanding as they teach each other! I really enjoyed your post, there is a lot of options for your targeted audience.

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