Your post very deeply connected the course material to your own lived experiences which I enjoyed reading! I relate to the fact that you made a mind map to comprehend the difference between cognitivism and constructivism, as I had a similar process for figuring out the concepts I found difficult to understand at first. Your interests in the health informatics field and climate change are interesting to read as I don’t know much in those fields, and I found your lessons in climate change to be very useful to learners, specifically in cognitivism with graphic organizers, as those are really good ways to see the mental processes that students go through. From your other writing on constructivism I can see why that is your preferred learning style as it really shows through that you care about activism and helping others any way you can in the real world. Lastly, I liked how you took a short answer approach and answered several prompts. I took the opposite approach and answered two prompts with long answers, but after reading yours I will definitely try the multiple short answer prompts for my next blog post!